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작성자 사진동규 김

Dim(N) Week 3 - Basics and Fundamental Mechanisms of Deep Learning

Dim(N) Week 3 - Inseo Jung (07/18/24) Basics and Fundamental Mechanisms of Deep Learning

[Paper] No paper required; this is a tutorial on Deep Learning.

[Abstract] This week, I am pleased to invite you to a seminar where I will be presenting on the basics of deep learning and its fundamental mechanisms. My aim is to provide a clear and intuitive understanding of these concepts. [What Can Be Gained?] Gain an intuitive understanding of the Deep Learning process.

[Summary] Introduction to Machine Learning (Supervised, Unsupervised, Classification, Regression) Perceptron (Weights, Bias, Activation Function) Deep Learning Hyperparameters (Cost Function, Backpropagation, Optimizer, etc.) Overview of Modern Deep Learning

조회수 0회댓글 0개

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