Dim(N) Week 6 - Yuhwan Kim (08/08/24)
Interpreting Nature and Humanity through Artificial Neural Networks (with a focus on the specific example of 'Music Cognition')
Spontaneous emergence of rudimentary music detectors in deep neural networks. Kim, G., Kim, DK. & Jeong, H. Nat Commun 15, 148 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-44516-0
[What Can Be Gained?]
The potential to actively utilize open data such as Audioset in neuroscience research.
Examples of creative use of artificial neural networks for testing neuroscientific hypotheses.
It was demonstrated that when an artificial neural network was trained with sound data from nature excluding music data, a music cognition function spontaneously emerged. (Not only did the feature vectors clearly distinguish between music and non-music, but they also categorized music types in detail.)
It was proven that there are neuron/network units that selectively respond to music. (Similarly, the neural network trained with non-music data showed this characteristic.)
It was shown that suppressing these network units reduced the ability to generalize natural sounds. Based on this, the hypothesis is proposed that music-selective neurons form the basis for the generalization of natural sounds and may directly originate from the ability to process natural sounds.